
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

India Ink on Paper

I had a hectic morning, had to leave early, and could not carry all of my paints where I was going, so I did studies of the people around me. The drawing paper was 12 x 9." I used bamboo pens, metal quills, a Faber-Castell india ink pen, and a small brush to do the figures. Of all of them, the only one I am not happy with is the one of Sonia the model, and only because I was not warmed up. Thanks to Ann Gordon who posed for five minutes and helped us warm up until Sonia came.


  1. Rebeca, are these your work? The attribution is to East Bay Plein Air. Anyway, kick-ass
    ink drawings. Lots of personality in each one, and good likenesses.

  2. These are very expressive individually but I also like them as a group and the way they look together with the text on the blog.

  3. I love the look of the ink wash. Great drawings!

  4. Thanks. Yes, they are mine and thanks to you Diana I've been abe to fix my profile so that I can sign with my own name. I might do more of those, they were fun.
