
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Denise On The Red Chair

Oil on canvas, 18 x 24"
Denise is an unusual model in that she can sustain a smile for three hours. I don't know how she achieves this.
For this painting, I mixed each color with a lot of stand oil. Normally I don't do this when I work all a prima, but the resulting mix is too thick. So mixing each color beforehand with stand oil gives the whole painting a more fluid feel. You can really see it in the objects near the window.

I worked on the area next to the window first, for fear of losing the blue light after the sun went down. Then I worked on the room, and lastly, on Denise. I revised in my studio, making a mental note of what I wanted to change before I left the firehouse.

1 comment:

  1. I love the back corner by the window, good call to focus on that. It really gives solid atmosphere to the situation, which is the near-goofiness of the model with the smile!
